South Fraser RRT Members
The South Fraser Refugee Readiness Team (RRT) brings together members from community organizations, settlement agencies and other stakeholders from across this region to create a community of support that will enhance services and supports for newcomer refugees from around the world as well as displaced Ukrainians.
Working Groups & Convening Tables
South Fraser RRT Convening Table Information, collaboration, referrals and community capacity building were highlighted, through anonymous polls, as the number one priority of the South …
South Fraser RRT core members identified food justice as a core issue in the South Fraser Region. Recent inflation and high housing costs in the region are putting financial …
The Housing Working Group will engage with South Fraser housing providers, developers and landlords as well as provide timely information and resources to refugees …
South Fraser RRT Core Members identified numerous challenges for refugees and displaced Ukrainians in accessing health care & mental health services …
Employment, language, and skills development were highlighted collaboratively by the RRT members given the wide variation in education, language levels and employment …
As identified by the SF-RRT Core Members, there is a need for individuals with lived experience as refugees/displaced persons to participate …