
Statistics and Data

Statistics and Data

In this section, you will find national immigration data and provincial-level data about B.C. communities including labour markets and industry, as well as demographic information about Surrey’s population.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

IRCC’s statistical publications provide information on permanent and temporary residents as well as immigration and citizenship programs.


NewToBC partners with libraries and immigrant service providers to develop, deliver and promote services and resources that support immigrant settlement and integration in communities across the province. NewToBC develops, updates and disseminates a variety of library and settlement information resources for new immigrants through the website, project partners and library programs. NewToBC uses social media platforms to share information about settlement resources, volunteer opportunities and no-cost workshops, training and community events of interest to new immigrants in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. The project encompasses the 18 public library systems in the Public Library InterLINK federation.


Superdiversity presents interactive data visualizations of three international metropolitan city’s complex diversity: Vancouver, Sydney and Auckland.  The site’s contemporary data visualizations help users to see patterns in data quickly and allows them to interact with the data and seek information of interest. Demographic insights about local and international immigration, refugees, ethnicity, economic class and religion can be readily discovered and compared on the website.

Surrey Local Immigration Partnership (Surrey LIP)

The Surrey LIP is comprised of 30+ community organizations including community and immigrant serving agencies, education, business, government, libraries, health, parks and recreation, faith and others, working together to determine what the community needs to be welcoming and inclusive to the many newcomer immigrants and refugees who settle in Surrey. The LIP contracts professional research and communication firms to lead research and community consultation to help inform its collective action. The LIP has produced several reports and fact sheets to support the work of its members and the community in general, in addition to demographic data.


The Province of BC’s WelcomeBC website provides data and information about BC communities, providing a sense of what the community and its people are like—and how they’re changing.