Environmental Resources

Our Vision under our Strategic Plan 2024–2029 envisions “an inclusive, equitable and regenerative society that puts people and the planet first.” And within our Values, we recognize our interdependence and responsibility for each other, the environment and future generations. Although we’re not an environmental organization, protecting the planet can’t be separated from the work we do; it needs to inform our approach, much like our commitments to inclusion, equity and truth and reconciliation.

Climate change may seem like a distant or intangible problem, but it’s here. Extreme weather events, warmer temperatures, droughts, floods, poor air quality and more are affecting people and communities around the world. The potential for climate-related migration looms, and as an organization serving refugees and refugee claimants, we recognize this.

There is much to do and it starts with taking action and raising our voices. As we learn and unlearn as an organization about being green, we want to share the knowledge we gather with the people we serve. We have done this through our longstanding Community Gardens program, and our Green Guide for Newcomers is another tool to help people meaningfully interact with the environment.

Here below are a variety of informational resources, including our own Green Guide!  Have a resource to recommend? Email it to us at marketing@dcrs.ca.

Tips for Environmental Conservation

Green Guide for Newcomers

An accessible guide for first steps to going green for newcomers and all! With content from David Suzuki Foundation, A Rocha and more.

What You Can Do — by David Suzuki Foundation 

A broad look at all the ways you can go green and help the environment.

How to Make a Difference — by David Suzuki Foundation

Learn how you can make a difference and protect our planet.

10 Principles for Living Lighter — A Rocha 

Helpful tips on how to live lighter to protect and help the environment.

5 Amazing Environmentally Friendly Tips for More Sustainable Spring Cleaning: BC Parent

5 small tips for spring cleaning that have a huge impact on the environment

Healthy Green Workplaces Opportunities Guide: Green Care

Celebrate, understand and inspire all aspects of how to be green in your workplace.


Questions about Climate Change?

Burning Questions about Wildfires, Climate Change and Fossil Fuels — by David Suzuki Foundation 

A breakdown of common questions about issues affecting our planet

BC Climate Action Toolkit

A toolkit on how to combat climate change in BC

Drivers of Climate Change: Clean BC 

Learn about driving and commuting’s impact on climate change.


Indigenous Sources for Environmental Conservation

Water – British Columbia Assembly of First Nations 

Learn about water and  our role in conserving our water supply.

Indigenous Knowledges and Climate Change – Climate Atlas of Canada 

Read about Indigenous knowledge and the role colonialism has played in climate change.