
People of DIVERSEcity: Angelique Muhorakeye

At DIVERSEcity, we often share the incredible stories of the newcomers and diverse community members who we support as they build their life in Canada. Behind the scenes, the people of DIVERSEcity, many of whom are immigrants themselves, have their own lived experiences to share. DIVERSEcity would not be the community-building, charitable organization it is without the dedication and passion of our amazing employees and volunteers, who have shown us what resilience means during this ongoing pandemic.

In the second installment of our series “People of DIVERSEcity,” we would like to highlight Angelique Muhorakeye, a RISE case specialist within our Refugee & Immigrant Specialized Experience (RISE) program.

Over the past three years serving the community with DIVERSEcity, Angelique has devotedly supported refugees as they work toward healing and reaching their goals in Canada. Having lived as a refugee for 20 years in Nairobi, Kenya, before coming to Canada seven years ago, Angelique uses her personal experience to help connect with her clients and community.

Here is a little bit about Angelique!

What’s your professional and educational background?

Along with my work at DIVERSEcity, I am also an interpreter with several government agencies like ICBC and IRCC. On my more creative side, I have a bachelors of arts in criminology, a diploma in 3D animation and film. I am also a professional dancer with the Indangamirwa Traditional Dance Group.

What is your hope for the immigrants and refugees you help?

My hope for all the clients that we see is that their hope in humanity comes back. I hope that they can heal and learn how to trust again and live a peaceful life in their new home.

What is one thing you wish every newcomer knew?

I wish that they knew that there is no magic to progressing in life. We have to work hard and smart. Success takes time.

What is one thing most people do not know about you?

Something most people do not know is that I am very shy. I talk and dance to try to hide it.

Coffee or tea?

I prefer spiced tea, which includes cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and lemon grass.

Dogs or cats?

Dogs! My childhood dogs’ names were Milou, Ninja and Tiger.

Read more “People of DIVERSEcity” stories, shared weekly this fall 2021.