Our Services

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy programs and workshops at DIVERSEcity

Are you a newcomer looking to increase your technology skills? Attend our Digital Literacy programs and workshops.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the technological aspect of your daily life? Do you want to feel more in control and confident when interacting online?

At DIVERSEcity, our Digital Literacy programs are designed to empower immigrants and refugees with the skills necessary to navigate today’s technological society.

What is digital literacy?

It’s your ability to communicate information effectively and responsibly in the digital world while staying safe and protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Our workshops are offered both in-person and virtually. DIVERSEcity also loans out devices, such as tablets, to assist newcomers with accessing settlement services.

Joining our Digital Literacy programs and workshops can help you gain confidence in:

  • Computer skills
  • Resumé building
  • Online tax filing
  • Navigating online processes, forms and documentation
  • Staying safe online and protecting your information
  • Avoiding scams and fraud

Find all upcoming workshops on our Events Calendar.

Who’s eligible?

Permanent residents, protected persons and CUAET visa holders of all ages.

Register for Digital Literacy at DIVERSEcity

For more information, call , 604-306-6726 or email hgill@dcrs.ca