Thanks to the help and generosity of community donors, the DIVERSEcity Refugee Support Fund provides newly arrived refugees with basic necessities and other needs that government funding does not cover.
The DIVERSEcity Refugee Support Fund assists newly arrived refugees in the Lower Mainland through emergency support by providing financial aid for:
Noor is one such refugee. She and her family came to Canada as refugees from Iraq. On limited assistance while in the process to apply for Persons With Disabilities, she has been suffering from multiple ruptured discs in her back and neck and osteoporosis. Noor could not walk, which impacted her ability to learn English and to be an active, contributing member within the community.
Through DIVERSEcity’s Refugee Support Fund, she was able to purchase a custom back brace that was prescribed by her doctor but not covered through MSP or income assistance. Now, she is able to walk and sit without feeling the severe pain she has without this brace.
“I no longer count the seconds to reach my destination, and somehow I start to enjoy walking! I can live my life now. Thank you!” — Noor, a recipient of the DIVERSEcity Refugee Support Fund.
If you would like to make a difference for others like Noor, please click here to make a donation.