Gender-Based Violence Services

Gender-Based Violence Services

Supporting the healing journeys of women, children and youth experiencing violence

Fill out our Referral Form

If you or your child are experiencing domestic violence or other forms of gender-based violence, DIVERSEcity’s Gender-Based Violence Services are here to help with free, compassionate, culturally informed and confidential counselling and support services in your first language.

Explore our various programs in the links below, all of which are delivered based on our inclusive, empowering Roots of Safety service planning approach.

For more information about our Gender-Based Violence Services, please call 604-547-1202, email or fill out our online referral form.

Have a client to refer?

Download and fill out our referral form below and email it to or fax it to 604-597-0488.

Survivor Guide

Explore DIVERSEcity's Survivor Guide, a legacy website of our completed Survivor-Centered Systems of Care Project.