Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)

The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program offers free English language classes to new immigrants. Classes range from pre-literacy to CLB 6.

As part of English language training, clients learn skills for adapting to Canadian society and success in the workplace. They also learn about their new community, services and resources, as well as knowledge of life in Canada including laws, rights and responsibilities.

Classes run twice a week on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday.

  • Morning classes: 9 am – 12 pm
  • Afternoon classes: 1–4 pm
  • Evening classes: 6–9 pm

Class formats:

  • Literacy to Level 1: In-person
  • Level 2: Blended or in-person
  • Levels 3 to 6: Online

LINC Classes Flyer

Register for free LINC classes

LINC classes are free for adult permanent residents. (Canadian citizens, temporary visitors, temporary foreign workers and refugee claimants who have not yet received a positive decision on their refugee status claim cannot take LINC classes.)

To learn more and register, please call us at 604-547-1203 or email 

Before you can start classes, you will need a language assessment from the Surrey Language Assessment Centre or the Options Language Assessment & Referral Centre.

Get your language assessment first

Please note, the Surrey Language Assessment Centre will be closed after March 31, 2025.

DIVERSEcity Classroom Locations


13455 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC

13455 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC

#1107 – 7330 137 Street, Surrey, BC

#1107 – 7330 137 Street, Surrey, BC