
DIVERSEcity’s COVID-19 Response

We are committed to the health and safety of our clients, volunteers, employees and contractors.

DIVERSEcity continues to serve the needs of our community and offers virtual services as well as limited in-person services by appointment only (as of January 4, 2022). No walk-ins at this time. DIVERSEcity and our COVID-19 Safety Plan follow guidance from the Public Health Officer, WorkSafe BC and Fraser Health.

How to book an appointment

DIVERSEcity’s Surrey Community Campus (13455 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC) and DIVERSEcity Newton Town Centre Campus (#1107 – 7330 137 Street, Surrey, BC) are open by appointment only — no walk-in visits. To make an appointment for in-person services, please call our general phone line at 604-597-0205 or directly to the program of your choice. See contact information for all our programs throughout our website.

The First Steps Centre (#201 – 7380 King George Boulevard, Surrey, BC) is open by appointment only — no walk-in visits. To make an appointment for in-person services, please call 604-547-2003 or email

Our DIVERSEcity City Centre Campus remains closed to clients for the time being.

What to expect when attending your appointment at DIVERSEcity

DIVERSEcity needs everyone’s help to protect our staff members and visitors from communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Please:

  • Practise physical distancing
  • Perform hand hygiene frequently (use hand sanitizer and wash hands)
  • Practise respiratory etiquette (sneeze or cough into a tissue or inside of your elbow)
  • Complete required health check
  • Wearing a non-medical face mask is required while in the building

Stay home if you’re sick. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, please reschedule your in-person visit for a future date.

Please do NOT enter a DIVERSEcity campus if:

  • You are sick with a cold or flu, or are displaying any signs of COVID-19 symptoms (even mild) in the past five days if vaccinated or past 10 days if unvaccinated/partially vaccinated.
  • You or any member of your household returned from outside the country (including USA) recently and are subject to the federal requirement to quarantine.
  • You are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, and if you or any member of your household had close contact with a person who has been identified as having a probable (assumed) or confirmed case of COVID-19, in the past 10 days.
  • You have been directed by Public Health to self-isolate.

Thank you for keeping the health and safety of our DIVERSEcity community a priority.