Garrison Duke, COO, DIVERSEcity, speaks on panel on inclusive workplaces
On April 10, 2024, Garrison Duke, COO, DIVERSEcity, had the pleasure of speaking at the Youth Employment Services WorkAbility: Creating Psychologically Safe Workplaces job fair and panel at the Museum of Vancouver.
Alongside panellists Catherine Repel, Employment and Labour Law, Clark Wilson LLP, and Claudia Gass, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor – Persons with Disabilities, Canada Post, moderated by Teresa Wesz, Regional Manager, YWA, Garrison spoke around the theme “Intentionality in Inclusivity: Pivoting from reactive accommodations to inclusive-by-design workplaces,” which brought forward important ideas and best practices on fostering inclusive and accessible work environments for persons with mental health disabilities.

DIVERSEcity’s Employment and Human Resources staff also attended the job fair and were eager to share information on programs and resources, including the H.E.A.L. for Work Program for women survivors of violence or trauma, SAHARA Employment Program for Men, Future Troopers Program for youth and more.
Thank you again to Youth Employment Services for including DIVERSEcity in these meaningful conversations about mental health in our workplaces and communities.