
Everyone Belongs Here. Racism Does Not.

Anti-racism information social media campaign

With issues of racism at a tipping point, it’s important we take the time to listen to each other and try to understand the historical and systemic foundations of discrimination, even in Canada.

As a champion of diversity and inclusion, and an organization working towards fully refining our values as an anti-racist organization, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society encourages everyone to educate themselves about racism and other people’s lived experiences and perspectives. However, not everyone is at the same stage of understanding. To help spread information and awareness, we have launched an anti-racism information social media campaign.

Our mandate and message as a community services organization is that everyone belongs. But not everyone’s journey, experiences and voices are the same. True belonging means we create spaces for all voices to be heard and all differences and lived realities acknowledged. There is so much work to be done, including within our own organization, but every small step in combating hatred or misinformation can help make a positive difference.

Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn (@diversecitybc) to read DIVERSEcity posts and posts that we will be sharing weekly.

We will also be archiving some content under our Resources page on our website.


(If you would like us to share your anti-racism work or messages on social media, please email, and will be sure to follow you.)