DIVERSEcity Annual Volunteer Fair


DIVERSEcity Annual Volunteer Fair

Are you a new immigrant trying to find a volunteer role that suits your skills and experience? Come to our online volunteer fair to get matched with local organizations!

Volunteering is a great way for new immigrants to gain experience, meet new people, learn about workplace culture norms, improve communication skills and give back to the community. At the DIVERSEcity Annual Volunteer Fair:

  • Partner organizations will virtually introduce themselves and then split up into
    breakout rooms
  • Volunteers will be actively introduced to available positions in the breakout rooms
  • Q&A panel session to end the event
  • DIVERSEcity’s volunteer coordinators will then help volunteers apply for the
    available positions

Friday, March 26, 2021
10 am – 1 pm
Online via Zoom

Want to attend the volunteer fair?
Register via Eventbrite: dcrsvolunteerfair.eventbrite.ca
Email volunteer@dcrs.ca

Be a partner organization!
Do you want to engage immigrants as volunteers in your organization? Participate in our Annual Volunteer Fair to get matched with qualified candidates. Register to be a partner organization today. Email volunteer@dcrs.ca

Event Details


  • Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 10:00 am –
  • Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 1:00 pm
  • Online
  • Visit Website
  • Email: volunteer@dcrs.ca