Employment Programs

Credentialing Program for Newcomer Women

Coast Capital Credentialing Program for Newcomer Women

Get back into your professional field with customized advice, workshops and grants!

Getting your educational and professional qualifications
recognized in Canada can be a complex and costly
process. We can help you get your career back on track!

Sponsored and funded by Coast Capital, this program for newcomer women will connect you with a career navigator who will help guide your employment journey. The Coast Capital Credentialing Program for Newcomer Women offers a range of services, including:

  • Career navigation session
  • Connections and referrals to loan programs, career path exploration and mentorship opportunities
  • Workshops to enhance your skills
  • A grant of up to $2,000 to cover credentialing costs

Program eligibility

  • Women newcomers (less than five years in Canada) who are 30 years or older
  • Must be residents of BC who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons

For more information and to apply to the Coast Capital Credentialing Program for Newcomer Women, contact 604-547-2275 or email ashahin@dcrs.ca.

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